Sessions in French, Italian and English.
Bringing attention and care to your relationships.
Gestalt therapy is a philosophy and an art of living based on the principle: everything is relationship.
It is a method based on kindness and aims to bring the person to self-knowledge and his or her way of relating to the outside world. The therapy emphasises awareness of what happens (and not why) in this present instant on a bodily, emotional and mental level.
This method is aimed at people clinically diagnosed with psychic issues, as well as those who suffer from existential unease, unresolved conflicts, relationship difficulties, grieving, sexual identity difficulties, loneliness, depression, job loss, panic attacks, anxiety, addictions, phobias, sense of inadequacy, and more.
It is a path without prejudice, but with due recognition of the value and dignity of the person with his or her particularities. The therapist is also obliged to protect the confidentiality of the professional bond in order to protect and safeguard the client's privacy.
'In the beginning is the relationship'
M. Buber, Ich und Du, 1923
'To be what I am
before being another way'
A. Beisser, The Paradoxical Theory of Change, 1970
My great passions have always been theatre and poetry. Life led me to work as a teacher in kindergarten, an activity that in time led me to the study and practice of psychotherapy.
I have been married for more than 30 years, am a mother of two children, and have lived between Italy, the United States, France, Azerbaidjan, and India.
Certificate of the Turin School of Psychology, "Towards a field-based clinical practice." (2019-2022)
Two-year International Training in Psychopathology at the Institute of Psychopathology and Gestalt Psychotherapy in Turin, IPsig (2020)
Member of the French Federation of Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, FF2P (2012)
Continuing education: seminars, internships and clinical supervision (2011-present)
Holder of the European Certificate of Psychotherapy, ECP (2011)
École Parisienne de Gestal, EPG Gestalt psychotherapy school in Paris (2003-2011)
Degree in Pedagogy, University of Parma
'If you do not know jour
story, your are destined
to repeat it'
K. Evans
The first step is to take care of oneself.
Making a phone call or sending an e-mail is the most difficult but indispensable step for those who decide to take care of themselves.
Although to varying degrees, we all possess deep within ourselves wounds that have never healed. These wounds are the root of our anxieties and feelings of inadequacy, which we have learned to live with, to the detriment of our well-being.
I accompany clients to deal with problems of depression, anxiety, marital tension, inability to complete projects, trauma, agoraphobia, bereavement, serious accidents, chronic physical disorders and many others.
The session lasts 60 minutes and costs 60€.
Recognizing the warning signs
The adolescent manifesting major difficulties, such as: insuccessi scolastici, problemi di anoressia, bulimia, difficoltà di relazione, depressione, abuso di sostanze, alcool e social network, crisi sulla propria identità sessuale ecc., sends alarm signals through which they express their malaise.
It is important to intervene as soon as possible, so that these attitudes do not become entrenched in the self-image process that the adolescent is building.
'Reciprocity defines the way of existence.'
V.Gallese, 2008
How to have a successful romantic relationship, whatever it may be?
A good relationship doesn't simply appear, one has to build it: it is not just a love story but a life story shared and cultivated together. Finding the strength and humility to engage in therapy is an act of care and attention towards oneself and one's partner.
The therapist's role is not to do justice in the couple, but to help deal with conflicts and difficulties in communication. For example: recurrent quarrels, constant bickering, betrayals, separation, sexual difficulties, lowered desire, etc.
The session lasts 90 minutes and costs 100€.
'In love the body is not an end but a means'
M. Cvetaeva, Notebooks 1919-1921, 2014
(From 3 months to 3 years)
When a child comes into the world, powerful and vulnerable, he has a fundamental need for a secure and protective relationship..
They need someone to look after them with eyes, ears, stomach and heart that are as attentive and understanding as possible.
The most recent discoveries in neuropsychology suggest that this first relationship can have a considerable impact on the child's future personality, both psychologically and cognitively.
Faced with this unfamiliar being who cries and whose reason we don't know - is he hungry? Is he feeling ill? Why don't I understand him? - can leave you feeling disorientated, confused and, above all, very alone.
My intervention will be to accompany the parent in decoding the infant's non-verbal language, distinguishing whether he is expressing a need or simply wants to communicate how he feels.
During this process, which is marked by the child's vulnerability and the parent's great responsibility, I will encourage the parent to recognise and name their own sensations, intuitions and emotions (including those that are the most difficult and contradictory to accept) so that their presence is as relevant and harmonious as possible, in tune with the wonder of this encounter with their child.
'Loving someone is not enough,
one can learn not to hurt them'
Gianni Francesetti
Is psychotherapy really helpful?
Therapy does not work miracles. Nevertheless, even a small change can be decisive. Through continuous practice, benefits will emerge naturally.
I have no money or time for psychotherapy.
To invest time and money to get better is to value oneself.
Perhaps my problem is not that serious.
There is no such thing as one anxiety that is less important than another, and there is no such thing as one problem that is more serious than another when it causes us suffering.
It depends on your needs. It can be a few months or years.
Dr. Anna Mariani Ducasse
Gestalt Therapist
To make an appointment
Phone: +33 0671680508
Skype: Anna Mariani Ducasse
In the 7th arrondissement of Paris
Metro: École Militaire
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